Saturday, March 6, 2021

Pine Vole

One of the best things we did to improve our home is to install sliding glass doors in our living room, overlooking what is now the feeder garden. Full disclosure, it was Patty's idea.

We've been rewarded not only with continuing bird activity.

But other wildlife as well.

Like this Pine Vole.

We've seen this critter before, but never this close. Nor so early in the day. The other sightings mainly at twilight.

It is a cute little critter, but one that maybe we don't want in the garden, as they eat plants from the roots on up. I've seen videos where plants "un-grow", disappearing into the ground.

So far though we've not seen a significant impact on the plants.

We'll be watching. And will do so from the comfort of our living room.

This critter is likely hawk prey, which may be keeping them under control. And our garden intact.

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