Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Around the Yard

This past Saturday, Patty and I, along with a friend, were to have boarded a plane to Peru. There we were going hike to Machu Picchu over five days.

Instead, I'm enjoying a staycation (for somewhat smaller values of "enjoy"). It is giving me time to do things around the house and yard I've been putting off. And to see things about the yard.

Tiger Bee Flies are still buzzing about. Now that I've noticed them I see them around any wooden surface. Hunting Carpenter Bee Nests. Good luck I say!

From the "I'm not dead yet!" department, the KC-10 tanker aircraft are still making noise as they fly overhead.

The Seek app came up empty on this plant. I found it curious that each 'tooth' on the leaves had a drop of water.

The solar powered clothes dryer was such a hit I installed a second one, already put to good use.

And building off of an idea found on the interwebs, a new school solar powered bird bath for Hummingbirds. Although we've not seen any hummers actually use it yet.

It's been over two weeks now, so it would seem Snappy is here to stay.

It has been several months that this species, White-eyed Vireo, has been heard and seen about the yard. I spotted this one from my desk.

Despite the best efforts of Snappy, and multiple Northern Water Snakes, the fish are holding their own. There are 94 in the image above.

I'll end by noting that the warbler show continues to play to standing room only crowds.

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