Sunday, August 9, 2020

One Less Lep

Lepidoptera ("Lep") is the order of insects which includes both butterflies and moths. And we have plenty of each in the yard. And we also have their predators. Many, but not all, of which are birds.

You might recall the Yard Critter post, Mason Wasp, where I wrote:

Mason Wasps larvae consume living but paralyzed caterpillars. The female Mason Wasp lays her egg in the chamber. She then hunts for caterpillars and uses a potent venom to paralyze her prey. When the larvae hatch they feed on the living albeit paralyzed caterpillar.

If you don't recall it the click the link and go read it. This post will still be here.

🕐  🕑  🕒  🕓  🕔

Welcome back.

While working on repairs to Magnus's enclosure, I spotted a Mason Wasp with said caterpillar* prey.

I was working in the garage, out of the sun, assembling the new enclosure covers. When I saw the wasp bumbling along.

You try flying while carrying something your size with your mouth.

It landed on this wooden table just outside the garage. I though it was looking for an old Carpenter Bee hole (the 'sawdust' is from such a hole). But it wandered around and then flew off. 

Perhaps I frightened it?

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The new covers, along with some other repairs.

🐛  🐛  🐛  🐛  🐛

* I know not what species. If you know let me know please. Either in the comments or by email. Thanks.

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