Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Roosting Wrens

You might recall the Roosting Wren post from a couple of months back. This bird, or one very much like it, has been roosting in the same spot going on four months now.

And now it has a friend.

As soon as it gets dark we look our back door, so as not to disturb them (we've three other doors we can use). Although we don't always remember to.

I don't know when the second bird began roosting, although I did see two fly out the other evening. That was the first time I noticed two birds.

I took the above shot with my iPhone, sneaking up on them as they slept. The shot below was taken by Patty, out our back door with our 'good' camera (it's a little soft as it ws shot through a screen).

Image courtesy Patty Rehn
You can see how little space there is up there. Two birds definitely seems to be the occupancy limit.

And they do seem to be getting more accustomed to our presence. Which is kinda cool.

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