Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Window Warblers

I've mentioned how the warbler show continues here at Piney Place. So much we don't even have to try.

Today, while sitting on the living room couch we were visited by several (4? 6?) Prothonotary Warblers.

The camera is set up focused on the Bird Bath Bubbler. The vertical lines are paracord, meant to breakup the window reflections, so that birds don't fly into the windows. And top, center-left, a Prothonotary on the paracord. Observing us?

This one came down for a better view. And to pick off bugs on the cord and windows.

Turning 90 to the right, and looking out the front picture window, two were in the holly bush.

And then, while we still were eating, a Blue-winged Warbler dropped by. The 11th warbler species since the last week of July. Very cool.

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