Monday, September 23, 2019

Yard Critter - Duskywing Sp.

Erynnis horatius or Erynnis juvenalis.

Horrace's or Juvenal's Duskywing respectively.

I spotted this one by accident. I was watching a Chionodes thoraceochrella stitching some leaves together when it, and I, noticed this much larger critter was already occupying one of the leaves. I started taking pictures. The C. thoraceochrella high tailed it outta there (hmmm ... even though it has no tail?).

You can see what I saw by clicking here for a video.

The Duskywings are leaf rollers, as compared to C. thoraceochrella, a leaf stitcher. Leaf rollers roll one leaf around them, using webbing to hold it shut. Duskywings will drop with the leaf to the ground and overwinter in the leaf litter on the forest floor.

Which one is this? Only time will tell. And I won't be there to hear what time says, as it has moved on from where I found it.

🐛  🐛  🐛 🐛  🐛

You can find all of the Yard Critter posts listed here.

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