Thursday, November 21, 2019

Steve Versus the Raccoons, Round II

In the Feeder Fail post, I related how presumably raccoons had ripped open the new suet feeder.

So I reattached the screen. And then I added the extra bits of wood seen here. Effectively sandwiching the screen between wooden slats.

After two nights, the feeder was intact, the cakes being nibbled by birds and squirrels. But then on the third night something, (raccoon, opossum, something else?), removed the top and made off with the upper cake. Grrrr. Point Critter.

But the screen was intact and the bottom cake still there. Point Steve.

So if you're keeping score at home, the critters lead 2-1. Not Good.

🚧  🦝  🛑  🦝  🚧

So I went back to work. And continuing with the theme of using only what I already have I fashioned a strap to hold the cap on.

Two eye screws, a 'u' clamp, and a short bungie cord later I was ready to refill the feeder and secure the cap.

A bit of drilling, screw driving, and one ladder fall later (I was clinging to the tree, a real tree hugger, and landed on my feet, with only a little blood spilled where my hands scraped against the tree as I slid down). Not sure if I award points to the critters or subtract points from me. Either way, I'm farther behind.

Now the waiting begins.

And I still haven't seen any Pileated Woodpeckers at the feeder. Just those squirrels.

🚧  🦝  🛑  🦝  🚧


Rosanne said...

Racoons are smart; they';ll figure out your locking system. The pileated will show up after a bad snow - at least that's when ours does. Right now there's plenty of food still in the forest.

MevetS said...

Rosanne, stay tuned for a surprise twist ...