Wednesday, November 13, 2019


In the Ants post I mentioned looking under a log for worms for Patty. I didn't find any. Patty went looking in the yard and came up empty as well.

So she ordered some. You can get anything on the Internet these days.

And they came in this bag. 1000 of them.

Patty had prepared a home for them. A plastic tub with dirt from the garden, shredded newspaper, and kitchen scraps.

So far they seem to like their new digs.

Looks kinda crowded though.

🐛  🐛  🐛  🐛  🐛

Patty teaches first grade. And in school one day recently the discussion turns to composting. "Patty you compost, don't you?", "Yes, I do.", "Can you make a compost bin for school, just drill some holes in the lid of a plastic tub ...".

And that's why we have a tub of worms in our dining room. Makes perfect sense, doesn't it?

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