Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Bath Time

I was sitting at my desk Sunday morning, having finished my yard work for the day (it was too cold out to do much) and looking out the window I saw this:

A bird with its butt in the air. And its head in the water.

A Hermit Thrush joining the Polar Bear Club. I did mention it was cold out, right? When I woke that morning the initial forecast called for snow, albeit flurries. But still.

And Hermie here spent enough time in the water for me to notice, find a camera, turn it on, find the bird through the deck rail posts (why couldn't they disappear this time?), and fire off some shots.

This is the second bird I've seen using the waterfall in our fish pond. The other, a female Black and White Warbler, at least had the sense to do so in the summer.

The Hermit Thrush was later seen enjoying the berries from our Beauty Berry Bush in the feeder garden.

Where we have a heated bird bath.

The thrush has not been seen using that though.

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