Saturday, November 16, 2019

Narrow-headed Marsh Fly

Helophilus fasciatus.

Not a bee, rather a bee mimic. The eyes give it away, they are fly eyes. But the pattern and colors send a message to would be predators, "stay away or get stung!".  A lie, but a seemingly effective one, used by many members of the insect kingdom.

This critter is a type of "Flower Fly", so called as they like to visit flowers. As many are good fliers they are also known as "Hover Flies". But Flower Fly is probably the better name, as, like the bees they mimic, they are excellent pollinators.

This critter was in the leaf litter in our side garden, having been investigating one of the rapidly deteriorating Jack-o'-Lanterns there.

🎃  🎃  🎃

It's Flies all the way Down
Fly magnets, these Jack's are.

🐞  🐜  🦟  🦗  🕷  🦂  🦋  🐛  🐝

You can find all of the Yard Critter posts listed here.

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