Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Let's Have Fun

Today I signed up to participate in the World Series of Birding.

Which is oddly named as it isn't a series. And happens only on the Atlantic Flyway of the US (it used to be just New Jersey, but with Covid it has expanded, still, not the world). 

And when I registered I was presented with this question to prove I was a human (as if a computer would want to go birding!):

Of course, every month is a correct answer, even May! Who proofreads these things?

Well it turns out that I guessed right, as I assumed the question they meant to ask was, "What month comes immediately after May?".

I'm smart that way.*

And then in the email confirming I had registered there was this line, in bold:

You have not yet paid your registration fee of $0.

Which was in fact correct and incorrect at the same time.

With the helpful instruction: 

"If you are unable to pay your registration fees online, please contact Rene' Buccinna ..."

So I'm not really sure what I am supposed to do ...

Oh wait, it says what to do latter in the email:

"... focus on getting as many species as possible and having FUN!"

I'm down for some fun!

📓  ðŸ“š  ðŸ““  ðŸ“š  ðŸ““

* Patty has been giving a test to the first graders, one student at a time, and as we both work form home I get to hear the questions over and over. It is multiple choice. One question is, "What is true of all squares?" and the answers to select are: (1) A Square is small. (2) A square has three corners. (3) A square has four sides of equal length. As I'm sure you have determined, answers 2 and 3 are both correct. But students are only given credit for a correct answer if they choose (3). 

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