Thursday, April 22, 2021

Curve-toothed Geometer

Nope, not a curiously dentured mathematician. Rather a moth.

The Curve-toothed GeometerEutrapela clemataria, which doesn't have teeth nor know any geometry.

I've noted before that moth ID cam be difficult. Patty and I both figured it was some type of Geometer, but looking through our field guides I was not able to come to a definitive ID.

Below are two scans from the current best available Moth field guides, the Peterson Guides. The upper image is from the Field Guide to Moths of Northeastern North America, and the lower from the Field Guide to Moths of Southeastern North America, both by David Beadle and Seabrooke Leckie.

Note the different field marks, noted by the little arrows, in the two guides for this moth. 

These are the experts and these are the best field guides. And they can't decide what are the key identification points. So what chance does a novice like me have? 

Fortunately, I have friends that are way better at moth identification than me. So thanks to Ann-Marie Woods for ID help on this critter.

🦋  🦋  🦋  🦋  🦋

You can find all of the Yard Critter posts listed here.

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