Wednesday, May 20, 2020

A Study In Scarlet

Bird study that is.

Just outside our dining room window is one of our garden hoses. And last Friday I noticed the hose was moving. Of course it wasn't the hose (not windy enough) it was a Northern Water Snake.

Alas, I was working, and by the time I got outside, the snake had slithered away.


But then, I heard, "chick burr, chick burr", and I stopped looking down and started looking up.

Not the first time  we've had a Scarlet Tanager in the yard, but the first time I had a camera.

It has been here for three days now. It would be great if it would stay, but I'm not optimistic as they've teased before.

🐦  🐦  🐦  🐦  🐦

You can find all of the Yard Critter posts listed here.

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