Saturday, August 17, 2019

Gate #3

In our continuing war on deer we had a temporary fence up between the end of the deer fence where the back driveway enters the parking area, and the garage. Now we have a ten foot swinging gate there.


It was surprisingly easy to install. I had expected to have problems with tree roots when digging the hole for the eight foot 6" x 6" main post. But except for a few small roots in the first few inches it was smooth sailing. The only other issue was that the battery for the drill was dead and I had to wait for it to charge up. Overall it took about two and a half hours, including battery recharge, water breaks, and clean up time, to put it in.


This was probably the easiest of the three gates to install. Gate 2 being the most difficult and Gate 1 somewhere in-between.

There is still a bit more work to do, both with the gate, some painting of rust spots, and with the fence, until I'm completely done. But with this gate the deer fence is essentially complete.

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