Saturday, May 29, 2021

Yard Critter of the Week

Eastern Worm SnakeCarphophis amoenus amoenus.

A tiny snake.

That's it in my work gloved hand. 

I had my work gloves on because I was, wait for it, out working. Staking the bottom of the new section of deer fence. I moved a dead log, and something squirmed. A giant worm? No a Worm Snake! The first I've ever seen.

Here it is "hiding" under some debris. 

I put it in a small holding tank to get a good look at it. Note the pink worm-like underside.

I took my pictures, went inside and showed it to Patty, and then returned it back to where I found it and let it go.

It might be obvious, but these critters spend most of their time burrowed in the leaf litter, under rotting logs, or in the dirt. Most of their time is spent underground and out of view. Like worms in more way than one. And those earthworms are their primary prey.

🐍  🐍  🐍  🐍  🐍

You can find all of the Yard Critter posts listed here.

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