Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Hunters ...

I've blogged before about the deer stands in the State Forest behind our place. And how the hunters are not very good at what they do as evidenced by all the deer (and turkeys) in the area.

Well a couple of Mondays ago, Patty went wandering in the back woods, looking of course for birds. And she found a hunter.

Image courtesy Patty Rehn

He too was looking for birds, or rather a specific bird, the Wild Turkey. Of course with Patty wandering around, scaring off all the birds, he was not able to take home a turkey. Of course, they are available in stores all throughout the area.

Image courtesy Patty Rehn

Patty chatted with him and it turns out his uncle owns some land down the road form us, so he visits during turkey season, driving up before sunrise from Hammonton, which is twenty some miles south of us. 

Seems like way too much work for a bird which, as I mentioned above, is readily available in supermarkets everywhere (and if you buy enough they'll give you one for free!).

But hey, we wake up well before dawn to go looking for birds. So to each their own.

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