Thursday, August 26, 2021

The Return of Snappy

Back in March I blogged about about Snappy and how I moved him/her from the fish pond to the back pond.

It seems the fish pond is preferred.

I was at my desk and spotted something, a Common Snapping Turtle, out my window. Alas it was gone before I could grab a camera.

I didn't see it for several days, despite sitting out on the deck looking for it.

And then I saw it from my desk again, and snapped a few at best blog worthy images, like the one above.

I saw the turtle again this evening.

Long term, it is probably not a good idea to have a snapping turtle living in our fish pond, however cool it is to have another critter sharing our space. Now we just need to figure out how to capture and relocate it.

Anyone out there want a snapping turtle?

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