Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Trash Bird

Once upon a time, every time we included this species on our eBird list, we would have to provide extra information to prove we saw it in our yard. We'd try to get a picture, no matter the quality, to include with our submission.

Occasionally the local eBird reviewer, a volunteer with a thankless job, would question our sighting via email. On more than one occasion I wrote back, "sorry I didn't get a picture. But you can look at the one from yesterday's list ...".

I guess that they got tired of that answer. Or maybe we, and the several other birders reporting them in the area, won them over. But now no extra info is required. And no one has questioned our sightings in quite some time.

Which is good, as we spotted this woodpecker four times last week. 

Although we still can't get it to come to our suet feeders.

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