Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Owl versus Harrier

The grasslands where the Short-eared Owls hunt is also the grasslands where Northern Harriers hunt. The two species occupy a similar niche, time shifted. The Harries hunt mainly be day, the Owls twilight to dark.

And there is a bit of time when they are both active.

Note the Harrier's perch.

We watched as the Owls repeatedly buzzed the Harriers. 

In coming ...

... final approach ...

... but the Harriers seemed largely nonplused (new meaning). 

The "Battle of the Perch" lasted several rounds.

The Owl making several runs past the Harrier.

For the most part, the Harrier held its own. 

Eventually though, it had had enough, and flew off, perhaps to hunker down for the night.

And the Owl got the perch. Although it does seem the are perches enough for all.

While the Bald Eagles remained above the fray the whole time. 

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