Sunday, February 7, 2021

Bon Appétit - NOT!

We have cats, two of them. And with cats, there are litter boxes. And then litter to dispose of. As we go through quite a bit of bird seed, we have plenty of empty bags. And when not used for collecting neighborhood trash, they get filled with used cat litter. 

Our cats are also somewhat finicky eaters (imagine that!) and there is often left over cat food to dispose of. Not all that much, but enough that over the course of a week it can get stinky when dumped in our regular under the counter trash bag. So we thought it would be a better idea to toss it in the litter bag.

We keep the litter bag out on the deck, just outside our utility room. 

We also have a number of motion detection light fixtures outside, including one just outside our utility room. And recently I've been noticing that light turning on, meaning that there is something outside that door. Most times I've not seen anything. But we do have a few critters that wander through and even live here in our yard.

I also keep a cooler of beer out on the deck during the colder months. And when I went to get a beer this past Friday evening, I found an Oppie digging though the kitty litter bag, no doubt after the old cat food.

It was quite frightened of me and tried to hide in the corner. I quick grabbed a picture, swept up the disturbed litter and took the bag to the trash can, grabbed a beer on the way back, and then spread some peanut butter on an old pizza box and put it outside the door.

Later, when I went out for another beer, the critter and the peanut butter were gone. And the beer cooler was open. I did not notice any missing brews, but I'll be watching.

And we'll need to figure out a different way to dispose fo the uneaten cat food.

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