Saturday, August 30, 2008

Papa osprey keeping a close eye on mom and the kids (who were featured in theme 158: Fear).

The highlights are blown in the upper breast feathers, but otherwise a nice shot methinks. And you?


Linda aka Elemobe said...

Fabulous, the colours are so rich and vibrant. Great composition as well.

I am in the UK, in the Lake District and we have a pair of Osprey visit here each summer. Sadly heard today on the radio that they have lost radio contact with the female. She left 3 weeks earlier than normal for the Winter migration to Africa. Not sure if it is just a radio failing, hopefully that is all. They are extremely rare here - which makes them all the more appealing and special. So I have a particular fondness for this photo.

MevetS said...

Thank you. It was a bit windy that day and I had to wait until the branch blew out of the way to get the shot.

Osprey have made a comeback in NJ, from a low of 60 breeding pairs in the 70's to close to 400 pairs this year. They are quite common along the Atlantic coast. I don't remember ever seeing them as a kid, now there are several nests not far from may parent's home (where I grew up).

Bald eagles are making a comeback as well and I saw a pair circling outside my kitchen window this past sunday. Very cool.

I live close to where the Rancocas Creek meets the Delaware River (near Philadelphia), and each year I see both but I'm not aware of any local nests.

There are peregrine falcons nesting on the bridges from NJ to PA, but I've not been successful trying to photograph them. I'm gonna keep trying though. I just got a 700 mm lens so wish me luck!