Tuesday, November 9, 2021

The Warbler Show

I was sitting at my desk here in my home office, when the internet went bye-bye, good old Comcastic was having some serious issues, at which point I gazed out the window (ok I do that a lot) and noticed a small bird with a prominent white eye ring. 

"Cool, the Kinglet is back", I thought to myself. Both Kinglets, the Ruby-crowned, which has an eye ring, and the Golden-crowned, which doesn't, have been visiting the yard of late. But then I noticed the bird had a greenish back. "That's not a Kinglet ..." and the chase was on.

I grabbed my bins and a camera and dashed outside.

I had first spotted the bird in the flowers around the fish pond waterfall, and watched as it flew to the 'formal gardens'. Which is where I found it and took the above shot. The only usable image I managed. But enough to ID the bird.

Eventually the interwebs would come back online and I went back to work (I much prefer not working). But then at lunch I spotted the bird, or another just like it, at the Bubbler Bird Bath outside the kitchen window. Of course it flew as I went for the camera. But not too far ...

I reacquired it outside the dining room, still in the Feeder Garden, and managed a few shots (300+ but who's counting?). A few, like the one above, were pretty good.

Most were like these, or worse:

Either moving, and blurry, or in the vegetation, and mostly hidden.

But there was the occasional clear shot. And sometimes I got it.

I spotted the bird yet again a couple hours later, in the Blue Lobelia no-mow zone. To far and to messy to even try for pix.

I guess it likes it here. But it is only passing through, on its way to Mexico for the winter. But it is welcome anytime. And I hope it stays a few days more.

🐦  🐦  🐦  🐦  🐦

And for comparison ...

... here's the aforementioned Ruby-crowned Kinglet. A bird which also migrates south for the winter ... to here.

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