Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Hermit Thrush

I had been seeing this bird in this Beautyberry bush just outside our kitchen window.

Staring back at me not unlike in the shot below.

But every time I went for the camera, and was lining up the shot, a White-throated Sparrow would chase it away.

Every time but this one.

The exorcist bird ... pretty cool that it can turn its head that far.

I wanted a shot of it eating a berry. Maybe next time ...

🐦  🐦  🐦  🐦  🐦

Hermit Thrush and American Robin are in the same family, but have very different habits. The Robin is a gregarious species, as shown in the Robins post, there were probably thirty or so birds in the yard and visiting the Dogwood. The Hermit, as the name suggests, is a solitary species. We've had as many as two in the yard at a time. But the both enjoy berries.

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