Saturday, November 20, 2021

Banquet by Fire and Moon Light

The average temperature for this week was 42.3 °F. Chilly.

The high on Thursday was 74.7 °F. Nice.

So we sat out on the deck, fired up the fire pit, poured some wine, and enjoyed the evening.

Just like our cave dwelling ancestors used to do.

And as we were enjoying, the full Moon rose to the east, on a path to intersect the Earth's shadow later that night into morning.

The iPad sure has quite a few more smudges at this angle.

And the iPad was there so we could enjoy the DVOC virtual banquet, and although while the weather report was wrong about rain during the eclipse, it was right about rain that night. So we enjoyed the keynote speaker from the dry comfort of our living room.

Ironically, the talk, and it was a very good one, given by Holly Merker, was about Ornitherapy, one of the main tenets of which concerns the benefits of spending time outdoors in nature.

She was preaching to the choir.

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