Saturday, November 13, 2021

Swallow Falls - The Forest

This is the the third and final post about Swallow Falls State Park in Maryland (previous posts can be found here and here).

Right at the start of the we entered an old growth forest.

Although some are no longer growing.

Seems these chaps spent what would become my birthday weekend here in 1921, in which case I'd be 100 years old.

I wonder if dogs had hiking boots back then.

I suspect it was just as picturesque in those days, perhaps even more.

That's Marie, pretending to be Atlas, holding things up so we could safely pass by.

This tree was still growing.

Another shot of that cool rock.

This one reminded me of The Scream.

Partridgeberry, a plant of the forest floor, and one we have growing in the yard.

As you have seen, this was a very nice park. There was a longer trail, some five plus miles, that, on a drier day, no doubt would have been quite enjoyable methinks. We'll just have to go back.

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