Saturday, November 13, 2021

Fork Run Recreation Area

After we finished our hike at Swallow Falls we stopped at Fork Run Recreation Area, some 3.7 miles away. What a difference a couple of miles made.

This is one of the three species of fungi I saw on the trails.

And this was another. There were plenty of downed logs throughout the are we hiked. I would have expected them to be covered in fungi.

There were plenty of interesting lichens though.

Which are made up of a fungi and an algae. So there is that.

We were no longer a wet woods, but rather a dry uplands. Albeit wet from the morning's rain.

There were rocks.

Some conveniently numbered.

And all used by rock climbers, although there were none around when we passed through.

We started at 1, took the red trail to 5 where we switched to the yellow trail. Our plan was to take the blue loop in numerical order, but we missed the turn by 11 (it was not marked). So instead we took the white trial to the blue trial, and did it in reverse. Finishing up by taking the yellow trail back to 1.  A short hike, two miles or so, but a nice walk all the same. We then headed back to the house at Deep Creek Lake for more food and drinks.

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