Wednesday, July 17, 2019

... Location ...

Once the nest location in the garage was no longer available, the doors were closed, the Carolina Wrens needed to find a new nesting site.

They did.

Outside out back door, in a decretive bird house.

The tall thin one on the right.

I had returned from my morning walk and sitting the chair drinking some water when two wrens started chattering away quite upset. So I looked about and found the nest.

Hoping not to again force a change in next site we starting using different door (and chairs). And we saw them flying back and forth throughout the day bring nesting material. But the next day we did not.

Uh oh.

But our concerns were unfounded.

We had gone away for the weekend and upon our return, and again while sitting after my morning walk, the two wrens were back scolding me. And this time there were eggs in the nest. And the door is again off limits.

I hope they don't have a problem with snakes ...

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