Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Hamster's Holiday

When we were looking at this place, prior to buying it, the then owners showed us a turtle that lived in the back pond. I wrote about it here.

Take some time, click the link and read the post. And when you're done and continue on here.

Welcome back.

So yesterday, we had two boy scouts over, our friend Barb's nephew and a fellow troop member, to look at our yard and what we did to support wildlife, as part of the requirements for the Environmental Science merit badge.

And when we got to the back pond I pointed out two Northern Water Snakes. Someone asked about turtles and I told the story of Hamster, which you read about when you clicked the link above.

You did click the link and read the post right?

Then someone spotted something swimming toward us and said, "there's another snake". Here's what we saw swimming toward us.

It wasn't a snake, but rather a turtle.

In fact it was the same turtle, Hamster. Who came up looking for food, and actually bit my finger as I was pointing him* out to people.

Hamster was out enjoying the sun this morning, although a bit more wary today, not swimming right up to me.

I walked over to our neighbors place to let them know Hamster was visiting our pond, but they weren't home. So I left them a note.

They called as I was making dinner (yummy salmon) and I told them to come on over to collect him. Alas, Hamster was not around when they came over. They told us not to worry, as Hamster goes on walkabout on a regular basis, and he may already be on the way back home.

But if not, Hamster is welcome to stay for as long as she wants. And I hope the stay is enjoyable.

🐢  🐢  🐢  🐢  🐢

* When our neighbors Kim and Ryan came over to take Hamster home, and told us they don't know if it is a male or female. English needs a good gender neutral pronoun.

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