Saturday, June 5, 2021

Walking Buddy

Weather wise, this Memorial Day weekend was a bust. Lots of rain. And while we needed rain, as Patty said, "Why can't it rain while we are working?".

Yeah, why?

Our mountain climbing trip? Canceled. (Ok, so it was to Baldplate Mountain in NJ, not really a mountain.). Kayaking? Nope.

So Patty and I again went for a walk around the block. And this time my walking buddy was a Burrowing Wolf Spider.

Seen here clinging to my ball cap. Isn't it a cutie?

Surprisingly, I spotted it in the road.

It is pretty well camouflaged. And was well placed to get squished by the next car.

Which is why it was on my hat. I scooped it up to move it to a safer place. 

Although, I did, albeit just for a moment, think about bringing it home.

"Patty, can I keep it? Please!" ...

(Had I actually asked, she no doubt would have said yes. :-) ).

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