Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Cuckoo Wasp

We were sitting on the deck enjoying a meal when this critter came in for a landing. A crash landing as it turned out.

Although it was June, so perhaps it wanted to go for a swim?

Alas, the backstroke was not its forte.

So I rescued it, after getting my camera of course. It seemed ok after its ordeal.

It took off and landed on the table, this time avoiding the water.

Of course it was the metallic green color which grabbed my attention. And was the clue to what it was. I knew from the eye shape that it was a wasp of some kind. And using my field guides I ID'd it to a Cuckoo Wasp, in the Family Chrysididae. But as for what species I did not know. So I posted my images to BugGuide, which narrowed the possibilities one step further, to the Subfamily Chrysidinae.

And that is as far as it's gone. And very likely as far as it will go.

Still, a cool critter to have in the yard.

🐝  🐝  🐝

You can find all of the Yard Critter posts listed here

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