Monday, July 27, 2020

Cedar Waxwings

Cedar Waxwing, a very elegant looking regular although uncommon visitor to our yard.

 One of my favorite yard critters. With a tail dipped in yellow paint.

They eat berries. And we've planted a variety of berry producing plants here.

They have a very high pitched call, easy to miss as one gets older. I can still hear it, and as soon as I do I start looking. Scanning the trees. But more often than not they passed through unnoticed.

Cedar Waxwings usually travel in groups. And sure enough in both of the visits shown here there were multiple birds in the willow and crabapple trees. Although only one was in a position to be photographed. No matter, they are always welcome.


🐦  🐦  🐦  🐦  🐦

You can find all of the Yard Critter posts listed here.

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