This owl roosts behind my office. I originally thought there was a nesting pair, but it seems this owl is only using this nest as a roost. Owls don't build nests. This one was used by a pair of red-tailed hawks the past two years. I wonder what they thought of the new tenant?
Great Horned Owlet
This is the same nest as shown in the Eyes 365 theme. There are three owlets in this nest, but I did not see them. The nest area is now roped off and access is limited. This was the only sightline I had to the nest. It seems some idiots were going up and banging on the tree to get the owls to poke their heads out. How would you like someone pounding on the walls of you home when you're trying to sleep?
Which Way?
The gray trail leads to the owls. As can be clearly seen, the trail is straight. Yet there are two right turns and one left indicated here. Fortunately, I had been to the nest before and didn't get lost.
Brown Creeper
This elusive bird is hard to find let alone photograph. This was the only shot I got before it flew off.
The Key Deer in my March 1st six are endangered. These are anything but. I saw at least thirty today. Many hiding in plain sight. I'm sure I walked right by plenty more. There are no predators to keep the population in check, and these deer will eat the entire understory of the woods. This is a problem throughout New Jersey and much of the northeastern US.
You have out done yourself again, stunning nature shots! You need to be working for a wildlife magazine!!
Great stalking skill lucky you use a 50mm lens not a 7.62.
Amazing work! That shot of the itty-bitty owl peeking out ... wow! Magazine worthy!
Wonderful shots! Love the owl shots.
Fabulous series. One photo is better than the next. You caught so much detail.
I especially love your owls.
I love the great horned owlet photo. Great capture!
Really great series, Steve!
Cool shots, I always approve of bird shots. If you can, watch for the owlets to start fledgling, it is a fun a site to see them learning how to fly, often very humorous too.
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