Monday, April 29, 2019

Bad Bird Photo of the Week

Blue-gray Gnatcatchers are tiny little things. Less than four and a half inches long and weighing but three tenths of an ounce. Tiny little things.

That never stop moving.

The bird is slightly left of center in the image above. the bird was ten feet or so outside my kitchen window. And I was using a 600 mm lens*.

Tiny little things. Always on the go, chasing tasty bugs.

A bit further left of center now (in the next image the bird was out of the frame). They look like miniature mocking birds. And have a high pitched buzzing call. They are common in our area.

But if you blink, you'll miss them.

Speedy little things.

🐦  🔭  🐦  🔭  🐦

* A 150-600mm lens, at 165mm for these shots. I didn't have time to zoom in.

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