Saturday, January 4, 2020

Lunchtime Halo

I've noted before the sad tidings that I've rejoined the workforce. It isn't all bad, but I much prefer not working! Alas, as I'm dependently wealthy it is a necessary evil. And as the last post showed, I've a long way to go before I can retire. Very sad.

The building I work in has a cafe, but I've been warned not to frequent this establishment (apparently it is not the cleanest of places). Fortunately, there is another such place in the next building over, a five minute  walk.

And these are the to and from images from my visit to this nicer lunch spot this past Thursday (I had a yummy salad).

This is a 22° halo (degrees of arc not temperature) one of the more common atmospheric phenomena.  My mom told me that her mom told her that such an apparition foretold rain. And it did rain on Friday. So maybe grandma, or whomever told her, knew of what they spoke of.

Or maybe it was a coincidence.

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