Sunday, July 5, 2009

365 Theme 186: Mismatched

My friend Joe and I, along with Joe's dog Holly, visited Whitesbog in the NJ Pinelands this weekend. And we found dozens of these 'baby' fowler's toads. They were hopping all about an abandoned cranberry bog we were exploring. And as you can see, the reddish-brown color makes them stand out against the typical pine barrens sand, to say nothing of the green foliage.

The mismatch of toad to environment is even more obvious in this image, where a reddish-brown morph is paired with a grey morph. You did see them both right? Now imagine instead of a friendly photographer I was a hungry great blue heron. Not so good for the red guy.

But maybe the heron wouldn't waste its time. This is me holding one of the toads while Joe snapped the picture. And despite toads hopping all about her, Holly paid them no attention at all.


Chesney said...

What a cute little guy - he is so tiny! Love the close up in the first picture and it's details of the little toad!

LauraHinNJ said...

adorable! but you're right - poorly matched.

Anonymous said...

I love toads and frogs, maybe the red signals a bad taste.