I noted in the
Thompson-Wright post that that visit would not be my last. And true to my word I visited again this past Saturday, this time to just to explore. And Patty came with me.
I walked from my house to the Preserve, and while I was waiting for Patty to join me I noticed this sign. Specifically I noticed the nails. Either this is very hard wood, a weak hammerer, or there is play left for the tree to grow out. I suppose I'll need to check back in a few years to find out.
The sign was on a sand road leading into the western side of the Preserve.
But today we explored the eastern side. Note the clear blue skies.
Not sure what this strap/belt is for, but it has been there for some time.
My old Kentucky home .. it looked as if the color had been sprayed on.
We've noticed this pattern in oak leaves before while wandering in the Pines.
Patty drew a connection to the fungal pattern. Coincidence?
Clouds are rolling in ...
Piney engineering.
The roads are surprisingly well maintained. Perhaps because of off road vehicle use? We heard, but did not see, said vehicles during our explorations.
A road not taken, at least not by us. It may connect up with South Firelane Road.
It was obvious that maintenance had been done on the roads/trails. It was also obvious that it had be awhile since it was done.
Not clear if this was 'maintenance', accidental damage, or the work of some critter.
Along the northern edge of the Preserve is a deep ditch. The bridge built by the Piney engineers spans it, and the Road not Taken traverses it. And the above image is of an old water control station that connects the ditch to the Burrs Mill Creek, the water flowing under the sand road. I wonder the last time anyone used it tp actually control the flow (it was wide open when we passed).
The end of the road (and thickening clouds).
Or at least a gap, the road bisected by the Burrs Mill Creek.
The view from the other side. An approximately mile and a half detour.
The Creek the road I live on is named for.
A nice way to spend a morning. And I doubt this will be our last visit.