Tuesday, December 22, 2009

365 Theme 165: Landscape

I spent a few hours at the Great Swamp NWR yesterday.

It was bleak.

It was quiet.

It was cold.

It was snow covered.

It was empty.

It was wonderful.

I was in the middle of one of the most populated places in the United States. And I felt completely alone.

You can read about the Great Swamp NWR here and here.

(And afterwards food and friends at the NJAS Citizen Science holiday party. Where is was nice and warm. :-)


Anonymous said...

What a treasure, lucky you (and all of us)

Chesney said...

Wow, this is just drop dead gorgeous - I love the beauty of silence!

LauraHinNJ said...

Sounds like fun!

(see any good birds?)

MevetS said...

@ Tammy and Ellen, thank you.

@ Laura, no, there were very few birds about. A northern shrike was seen where I took the picture, but not by me. (I was sure I'd spotted an owl nestled against a tree trunk, hidden in the branches of an evergreen. Alas when a bluejay landed on it I was forced to reconsider.)