Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Driveway Stakeout

An email report of bobwhite quail in Pennsylvania, in the DVOC area meant only one thing, Patty had to see these quail.

And she did. Check.

My Life Bobwhite

The birds were visiting feeders every day and the owner of the feeders, and the driveway, responded to Patty's email that she could come and see them.


One for the Bird-Butt Field Guide

You see, I had never seen a bobwhite in the wild.

In seventh grade, my English teacher, Mr. Barabee, would stick his head out the window of the classroom and call, "bob -white, bob-white", and the birds would answer. We students were not impressed. Sadly, due to the all to familiar problem of habit destruction, there are no quail anywhere near my junior high. Nor much anywhere else in New Jersey.

So she emailed again and yes, she could come back and bring her friends. So Patty, her friend Rachel, and myself headed out on a cold April day, rising before sunrise, to get there in time for the morning feeding.

The owner met us at the end of the long driveway, as he was heading out for the day, and welcomed us. He was surprised that we were the only folks that had expressed any interest in "his" quail. He headed off and we walked down the driveway to stand in the sun and await the birds. It took awhile but they finally came. Very cool.


It was Rachel who gave me the title for this blog post. It was at a fundraiser at a local bar when she told the story about us "staking out some guy's driveway to see a bird" as she introduced us around.

The fundraiser was the kickoff for her annual summer challenge for Parkinson's disease, a disease her mom suffers from. This years challenge was to climb Mt. Whitney. And she did, raising over $4500.

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