Thursday, September 5, 2019

Yard Critter - Evergreen Bagworm Caterpillar

Thursday's caterpillar is the Evergreen Bagworm Caterpillar, Thyridopteryx ephemeraeformis.

I spotted this individual hanging from a thread from a pine tree. Dangling over our driveway.

I knew what it was my friend Drew had recently sent me pictures of them on at tree at his place, asking what they were. He told me they were driving his cats crazy as they shook on the tree.

These caterpillars can be pests. A large infestation can completely defoliate a tree.  And even a few can have a significant visual impact, although the tree will probably be ok.

It was fortunate that Drew had primed me, as this critter is not in either of my go to field guides for caterpillars and moths, Wagner's, Caterpillars of Eastern North America and Beadle and Leckie's Field Guide to Moths of Northeastern North America, (both still highly recommended, despite this oversight).

There was only one of these on our pine tree, so after snapping some images I let it be. I've not seen it, nor any others, since.

🛍  🐛  🛍  🐛  🛍

You can find all of the Yard Critter posts listed here.

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