Monday, September 2, 2019

Disturbingly Informative

"Disturbingly Informative", that's the motto of the Mütter Museum in Philadelphia. And it is pretty much spot on, as it houses a collection medical oddities and curiosities.

A small museum, an hour or two is enough to see it all. Alas, most is off limits to photography, although the reason given, respect for the humans whose remains are on display, rings a bit hollow. They are on display after all (and the Museum charges to see them; draw your own conclusion).

Photography was permitted in the main entrance hall and the Benjamin Rush Medicinal Plant Garden.

I like the second paragraph, "We request that you do not pick or eat any part of any plant in the garden." I wonder if they were having issues with visitors munching away?

"Hey Alice, try some of this Franklinia, it's delicious!"

(That's what the deer said about ours.)

I was not aware of the medicinal properties of Sarracenia (I wonder if they're permitted to eat the visitors?). Learned something new perhaps?

☣️  ☣️  ☣️  ☣️  ☣️

It was poison that brought us to the Museum. Science on Tap (motto: "eat. drink. science." I'm in!) was hosting an untapped event, "Science On Tap Untapped: Pick Your Poison".

This was the second thing I learned at the Mütter, if you bite something and die, that something was poisonous. If something bites you and you die, that something was venomous. Some very evil creatures are both!

You've been warned.

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