Sunday, March 31, 2019


Click this link: Frog Calls, and you'll hear what we hear every night here at Piney Place.

Frogs. Lots of frogs. Mostly Northern Spring Peepers. But with some New Jersey Chorus Frogs and Wood Frogs as well. And soon enough Fowler's Toads, Green Frogs, and Northern Gray Tree Frogs will be joining in. It's quite nice actually.

But also frustrating. Because try as I might, I could never find any peepers peeping. They would be right under my nose (and ears) and yet completely hidden.

Until yesterday evening.

When I found not one but two of them in our back pond. The one above (dead center) peeping away.

The one below frozen still, hoping I wouldn't notice it and that I'd go away. I did, but not after getting a few shots. After which it splashed off.

There were plenty more. Right at my feet. Yet undiscovered. Next time ...

🐸  🐸  🐸

I also spotted three of these ...

... Bull Frogs. They're easy to find. And are one of the reasons the other frogs are so wary.

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