Sunday, September 7, 2008

This is an image of the milky way in the constellation Cygnus, the swan. The bright blue star in the upper right is Deneb. This image was also made at the Black Forest Star Party. 

You may have noticed that in the previous two images I didn't quite get the focus right, as the stars are bloated. Not so with this image, where I nailed it. Focusing is the hardest thing to do in astrophotography, as the targets are often dim and small. I really like this image, one of the main reasons being the pinpoint stars.


Dogeared said...

Well I think you get the prize for literal stars ;-) I think astrophotography would be cool to try!

MevetS said...

Yeah that's me mister literal. :-) (After the "Key" shot I needed to a literal one to balance the scales.)

And I think I should get the prize for most stars too!

Astronomy and photography are two of my passions, so it was inevitable that I attempt to combine the two. But astrophotography has a steep learning curve. But good results can be achieved relatively quickly. It is the great results that take time and practice. And it can be an expensive hobby (true of any hobby I suppose). But it feels so good when you nail the shot.

So when you do give it a try be sure to show me the results.