Sunday, March 21, 2021

Sky Shadows

The other day I was out and about and to pass the time while at traffic lights or in parking lots I looked up.

It's what I do. And I saw shadows.

It was a great day for contrails. And the geometry was right for this shadow, all the way to the ground.

It is not oblivious what is causing this shadow, or if it even is a shadow. Perhaps it is instead the path the plane carved through the cloud? And if you look very closely at the upper left there is just a hint of a Circumzenithal Arc, very faint colors.

With the Sun so low in the sky, my brain wants the shadow to be above the contrail. but of course the sun is much higher than the clouds and the shadow below the contrail. Silly brain.

Just a few minutes earlier, I was treated to a contrail Sundog.

And to end it all, later that evening back home relaxing on the deck, one final cloud and accompanying shadow.

Keep looking up. I will be.

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