Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Salix discolor

aka Pussy Willows. 

My friend and fellow botany aficionado sent me an email yesterday with a link to an article entitled, "Pussy Willow - A Valuable Native Plant", along with the the comment, "Steve - this sounds exactly made for your place."

And so you would think.

Patty and I have been going to the Philadelphia Flower Show since 2016. And each year Patty (where Patty = Steve) buys a Pussy Willow bunch, with plans of growing them in the yard. The two images above are the results of her labor.

We again enjoyed the Flower Show this year. And brought home a bunch of Pussy Willow stalks. But this year we brought home something additional. Instructions on how to grow them. So far, it seems to be working. The article John sent will help too.

And maybe, just maybe, the next time Johnny B. visits, we'll have a nice stand of Salix discolor for him to enjoy.

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