Friday, March 31, 2017

6000 BC

This is not what you think it is.

Nope, it is not a fossil cucumber. It is made of rock though. It is an ancient tool, a pestle. It is approximately 8000 years old. How cool is that. I'm holding a piece of technology that another human was using 8000 years ago.

It was fashioned by Native Americans living somewhere along the Rancocas Creek not from where I live now (our property abuts the South Branch of the Creek).

This week I purchased a new skillet. And just tonight I put the old one in the trash. In the year 10017, will a future archeologist be marveling over that bit of ancient technology (Just look at the primitive non-stick surface!)? My trash, her treasure?


This past Wednesday we went to hear a talk about the Rancocas Creek. It has quite a fascinating history. Did you know that there were once boats powered by horses, team boats they were called, that traveled from Philadelphia to Mt Holly? I had not.

The presentation was part of an effort to get the Rancocas Creek a National Water Trail designation by the US Department of the Interior. The presenters, of which there were three, included two faculty members from Stockton University, both of whom felt the Creek should easily qualify for the National Water Trail Designation, one of the criteria for which is to have historical significance. And the driving force behind the effort, a fellow by the name of John Anderson.

Which brings us back to the fossil cucumber. People have been living along the Rancocas Creek for at least 8000 years. And that is quite a bit of history.

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