Sunday, February 18, 2018


Yesterday evening we had a bit of snow. Just a dusting. But it did come down heavy as large flakes, as the temperature was right at the freezing point.

And as the snow was falling we had not one but to Virginia Opossums, "Oppies" visit our garden. And the snow turned them into "Snoppies"!

The first to visit, shown above, found plenty of food under a bird feeder at the back of the garden. We weren't sure what it was munching, but despite hoping it would come in for a closeup, it was content with what was there.

And then we spotted the second between the trees of the triple stump.

(My photo-editing skills are not up to the task of removing the purple-blue reflection off the living room window. Very sad.)

We put peanut butter out for the various critters which visit our yard.


Notice the snow buildup on its back.

We learned on our winter trip to Yellowstone, where the Bison are often snow covered, that this is a sign of how well insulated they are. None of the body heat passes through the fur and thus the snow doesn't melt.

As we see above as, having completed dinner, Snoppie retires for the evening. Or at least, leaves our garden..

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